Skincare Salad
A RECIPE FOR GREAT SKIN... We know salad isn't necessarily a meal a person dreams about, but adding a little greenery to your menu can do WONDERS for your skin. Here are some of our favorite salad ingredients for great skin. SPINACH SPINACH is loaded with zinc, which has been shown to help reduce inflammation and help prevent acne breakouts. It's also the easiest vegetable to just throw in to any meal. CHICKEN CHICKEN is full of an amino acid called glycine that’s been shown to significantly increase collagen production. You can also keep it exciting by changing up the...
OUR EASY EXFOLIATING TREATMENT Remember when you could treat your body like an old honky tonk and still wake up every morning looking like Aphrodite rising from the sea (aka a glowing goddess). Now you’re drinking kale smoothies, applying sunscreen and your skin still looks dull. Don’t Hate. Exfoliate. As we age our cell regeneration slows down and can leave a build up dead dull skin just laying around on our face. Kicking that crud to the curb is the quickest way to regain your glow. Here’s my recipe for a quick and easy exfoliant (cause mama's got shit to do)...
Meet Our Founder - SKINxErin
ABOUT ERIN Erin Sanderson, creator and founder of SKINxErin, is a habanero pepper in human form. She gives us big Aries energy. (Story checks out, she is, in fact, an Aries). She loves animals more than people, is as loyal as they come, and she's a little vain in the best way. HER ROOTS Erin has been a musician her whole life. She moved to Nashville when she was 18 and spent 15 years touring the country, sharing the stage with acts like Halestorm, Evanescence, & Candelbox, as well as writing songs featured on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, MTV,...