Avoiding stress is a little like avoiding your weird neighbor, at some point you're gonna bump into each other. That's because life is stressful. Juggling work, family, social relationships, along with taking care of your own personal needs is a little like riding a unicycle through the pits of hell.
So if we can't entirely avoid stress we definitely need to learn how to manage it, because unmanaged stress shows up in a lot of nasty ways, including your face. I know it's just what you needed, a crushing deadline and a strange new rash.
Let's take a little deeper look into how stress could be affecting your skin, and a few ways our SKINxERIN babes help manage their own stressful situations.
Stress can show up on your face in a lengthy list of horrible ways: break outs, wrinkles, dry skin, dark spots.
That's because stress causes damage deep down on a molecular level. It affects the production of hormones like Cortisol, which can cause overactive oil production and clog your pores.
It manipulates the proteins that protect your outer layer of skin and diminishes your skin's natural elasticity. This makes your skin unable to hold moisture, causes dry skin and the formation of wrinkles.
And ain't nobody got time for that...
The best thing about SKINxERIN Oils is that they were selected to work with your body's natural moisture, heal your skin, and bring harmony to your dermis on a deep molecular level. So your skin works and looks better, despite outside factors like stress.
And if a stress zit shows up at the absolute worst time just grab our Perfecting Night Oil. It's the skin mafia's number one hit man. Just dab a little extra on the affected area before bed and "forgetta bout it".