Preferences Updated Even Skin
Thanks! Your preferences have been updated. Keep reading for tips on evening out your skin tone... DON'T GET MAD. GET EVEN. Do red blotches, sun damage, and dark spots have your skin feeling like a patchwork quilt? The truth is uneven skin has a way of coming for all of us at some point. Some might even call it a sign of a life well lived, but if you aren't willing to go down without a fight here are a few ways to help heal your uneven skin. EXFOLIATE Despite what TLC might have told you sometimes a "scrub" is...
Preferences Updated Dry Skin Tips
Thanks! Your preferences have been updated. Keep reading for a few tips to keep that dryness at bay... What's Really Causing Your Dry Skin... MOTHER NATURE She may be the original boss babe, but Mother Nature can also be a major contributor to dry skin. Especially during winter and transitional parts of the year. TIP: Add one drop of Perfecting Night Oil with your Hydrating Beauty Oil in the morning for an extra hydrating boost. HARSH SKINCARE PRODUCTS Finding good clean skincare products is a little like searching for the holy grail. Check your ingredients list and stay clear of things...
Access + Redeem Loyalty Points
ACCESS & REDEEM YOUR LOYALTY POINTS Loyalty is our love language, so naturally we found a way to give YOU big discounts for your loyalty. Here is how to access and redeem your Loyalty Point Rewards… Note: Loyalty Points discount codes cannot be stacked with other discount codes. SHOP SKINxErin...
SKINxErin Awake & Glowing in 5 Minutes
Sometimes you can wake up looking a little puffy. Here's how our founder, Erin, looks awake and glowing in 5 minutes... Start with SKINxErin Pre-Cleanse. Take 1 pump and massage it all over your face and let that product go to WORK. When you're done massaging, simply wipe off the Pre-Cleanse. Apply a couple drops of SKINxErin Hydrating Beauty Oil and you are ready to take on the day looking less puffy and more glowy! Products used in this video...
SKINxErin Family Holiday Survival Guide
It’s almost here. The time of year where we spend A LOT of time with our family, whether we like it or not. For some of us that time of year ends with a deepening of the angry 11’s and a few more sessions with our therapist. So here is a Family Holiday Survival Guide from your friends at SKINxErin, to help you not only survive, but look good doing it … When the family drama really heats up and it’s time to choose between laughing or crying, remember… laugh lines are way better than frown lines. We’ll take smile lines...
Fall Skin
EVERYTHINGS CHANGING. EVEN YOUR SKIN. It's that transitional time of year, when you're not sure if you should sip a margarita or start busting out the Fireball (we don't do pumpkin spice). When you need a flannel in the morning but you’re roasting tits by the afternoon. All that complicated temperature fluctuation wreaks havoc on dry skin. So if you're feeling a little extra flakey this time of year, here are some things that might help you ditch the dryness. MIX YOUR OILS. Add a little of our Perfecting Night Oil to your morning routine by mixing it with a...
Even Skin
DON'T GET MAD. GET EVEN. Do red blotches, sun damage, and dark spots have your skin feeling like a patchwork quilt? The truth is uneven skin has a way of coming for all of us at some point. Some might even call it a sign of a life well lived, but if you aren't willing to go down without a fight here are a few ways to help heal your uneven skin. EXFOLIATE Despite what TLC might have told you sometimes a "scrub" is a good thing. Like when it comes to exfoliating your skin. Gently exfoliating your skin twice...
Break Outs
TIME TO BANISH THOSE BREAKOUTS Let's face it, your skin can be a little dramatic. Maybe it's hormones, maybe it's stress, or maybe, God forbid, you wanted to eat some cheese and chocolate for once. Regardless of the reason, your skin may use these instances to rebel. Here are some of our favorite ways to give our skin some love and show those breakouts who's boss. CLEANSE OFTEN If you are one of those people prone to breakouts (raises hand) then keeping your skin clean is key. Especially if you're working out or getting dirty. Our Pre-Cleanse Oil is perfect...
skincare myths
SKINCARE FAKE NEWS Finding the "best" way to care for your skin comes with more myths and legends than the ancient Greeks could shake a stick at. With all of that not so great information floating around it can be hard to know what's real and what's fake. We've assembled some of the most commonly believed skincare myths below and what you should do instead. THE HOTTER THE WATER THE BETTER You might need super hot water to sanitize your dishes but your face is not a piece of Tupperware. The truth is that using hot water to wash your...
Beauty Sleep
THE TRUTH ABOUT BEAUTY SLEEP Turns out all of those fairytale princesses were onto something when it comes to beauty sleep. Getting the recommended seven hours of sleep a night is crucial for your overall health and well being, including the quality of your skin. So here are some of the ways a good night rest can leave you with a dreamy complexion. GET THAT MORNING GLOW Your skin has its highest levels of blood flow while you're asleep. This boost of circulation helps your skin in a number of ways. The first is that it increases your body's temperature...
sun damage
SUN DAMAGE BE DAMNED... If we're being honest, most of us at one point in our lives thought that sunscreen wasn't cool. We spent countless hours baking under the sun attempting to achieve golden goddess status, and figured sun damage was something only "old" people had to worry about. And even though you're far from feeling "old", you might be looking in the mirror and seeing some of the wreckage our old pal Mr. Sunshine left behind. . . Unless you've got a time traveling DeLorean there's no way to undo all skin damage, but there are some ways to...
double cleanse
A DOUBLE TAKE ON DOUBLE CLEANSING... One of the biggest skincare trends right now is double cleansing. If you haven't heard of double cleansing it's exactly what it sounds like, washing your face twice to better cleanse your skin. And although jumping onto "beauty trends" can sometimes end in disaster, depending on your skin, double cleansing can be beneficial to your overall skin health. DOUBLE CLEANSE BENEFITS... It's no surprise that one of the BIGGEST benefits to double cleansing is to get your skin...well...cleaner (duh). Have you ever washed your face and left make-up and dirt behind (I see you...